Recent work: Tianas Palace at Disneyland - hand painted Mobile Order graphics!
HAND PAINTED, restaurant & retail, sign paintingPaul BorneDisneylandpaint graphics, signpainting, handpainted, SIGN PAINTER, sign painting, disneyland, display, painted sign, tiana's palace
Recent work - 85ft x 10ft school mural - Stauffer Middle School, Downey CA
HAND PAINTED, mural, school mural, school spirit, sign painting, sign painterPaul BorneStauffer Middle Schoolschool gym, pigmentpalooza, painted sign, handpainted, SIGNPAINTER, paint graphics, school mural, school spirit, school pride, downey
VIDEO - 2021 hand painted work in review - Big City Signs
HAND PAINTED, mural, school mural, school mascot, sign painter, sign painting, environmental graphicsPaul Bornesignpainting, sign painting, sign artist, SIGN PAINTER, hand painting, hand lettering, hand painted, handlettering, handpainted
Recent work - school gym hand painted BULLDOG mural
environmental graphics, HAND PAINTED, mural, school mascot, school mural, sign painter, sign painting, supergraphicsPaul BorneMary Fay Pendleton Elementary Schoolhand painted, hand lettering, sign painting, sign painter, old school, handpainted, graphics, marketing, environmental graphics, custom sign, wall sign, sign, mural, school mural, school gym, environmentalgraphics, schoolmascot, sandiego, orangecounty, losangeles, southerncalif, bigcitysigns
Looking back - our UC Irvine hand painted water tower graphics
environmental graphics, HAND PAINTED, mural, school mural, sign painting, sign painter, supergraphicsPaul BorneUniversity of California IrvineSIGN PAINTER, super graphics, signpainting, SIGNPAINTER, sign painter, sign painting, sign painter, custom sign, peter the anteater, painted sign, handpainted, paint graphics, hand painted, school pride, school mural, irvine, painted, environmental graphics
Recent work - school murals for Lynwood High School
environmental graphics, mural, sign painting, sign painter, schools, school spirit, school mural, school mascotPaul BorneLynwood High Schoolschool gym, school spirit, school mural, school pride, mascot, mural, murals, signpainting, SIGN PAINTER, southern calif, school, SIGNPAINTER, painted sign, paint graphics, hand painted, hand lettering, handlettering, handpainted
Recent work - hand painted mural time lapse video
environmental graphics, mural, sign painter, sign paintingPaul Bornehand painted, so many colors, hand lettering, sign painting, sign painter, old school, handpainted, graphics, marketing, environmental graphics, custom sign, wall sign, sign, San Diego, La Jolla, Big City Signs
Recent work - hand painted mural - Ebony on Draper and Girard, June Edmonds - for Murals of La Jolla
environmental graphics, mural, sign painter, sign paintingPaul BorneMurals of La Jollahand painted, so many colors, hand lettering, sign painting, sign painter, old school, handpainted, graphics, marketing, environmental graphics, custom sign, wall sign, sign, San Diego, La Jolla, Big City Signs