Looking back - our UC Irvine hand painted water tower graphics
environmental graphics, HAND PAINTED, mural, school mural, sign painting, sign painter, supergraphicsPaul BorneUniversity of California IrvineSIGN PAINTER, super graphics, signpainting, SIGNPAINTER, sign painter, sign painting, sign painter, custom sign, peter the anteater, painted sign, handpainted, paint graphics, hand painted, school pride, school mural, irvine, painted, environmental graphics
Irvine Company made a short video of our hand painted sign work at their Innovation Office Park earlier this year.…
custom signs, environmental graphics, graphic design, sign painter, sign painting, supergraphicsPaul Borneinnovation office parkSIGN PAINTER, signpainting, southern calif, irvine, murals, mural, marketing, orange county, corporate, logo, office sign, sign painter, sign painting, supergraphic, environmental graphics
Recent work - Innovation Office Park hand painted signage, environmental graphics, and addresses
supergraphics, sign painter, sign painting, environmental graphicsPaul BorneSIGN PAINTER, signpainting, sign painter, environmental graphics, mural, murals, handlettering, hand lettering, hand painted, irvine, SIGNPAINTER
supergraphics, signage, sign painting, sign painter, OFFICE SIGN, mural, HAND PAINTED, environmental graphics, commercial propertyPaul BorneInnovation Office Parkhandlettering, hand painting, hand painted, hand lettering, SIGN PAINTER, signpainting, sign, SIGNPAINTER, sign painter, sign painting, sign artist, painted, irvine, environmental graphics, facility signs, facility signage, office signs, logo, murals, mural
Recent work -- UC Irvine water tank graphics
school mural, sign paintingPaul Bornegraphics, irvine, murals, orange county, school, school pride, school spirit, SIGNPAINTER, southern calif, supergraphic